Function web_thread::web::spawn_async

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pub fn spawn_async<F1, F2, T>(f: F1) -> JoinHandle<T>
where F1: 'static + FnOnce() -> F2 + Send, F2: 'static + Future<Output = T>, T: 'static + Send,
Available on Web only.
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Async version of spawn().


Commonly a long-running thread is used by sending messages or tasks to it and blocking it when there is no work. Unfortunately this is often undesirable on the Web platform as it prevents yielding to the event loop.

Therefor being able to await the next task instead of blocking the thread is essential to build long-running threads on the Web platform.


If the main thread does not support spawning threads, see has_spawn_support().


let (sender, receiver) = async_channel::unbounded::<usize>();

web_thread::web::spawn_async(move || async move {
	while let Ok(message) = receiver.recv().await {

for message in 0..10 {